
PMC Case Study | Material Handling System Project Management

January 3, 2023

PMC Case Study | Material Handling System Project Management


danielg |


PMC’s established project management methodology was used to design, plan and implement material handling systems for a new engine assembly line at a large automotive engine assembly plant. It was clear from the outset that this was no ordinary move and would require extensive and complex planning in order to achieve the physical move within the required time frame. PMC’s experience as a material handling systems integrator helped the client achieve their goals through execution of proven solution processes.



The project consisted of designing and relocating the existing parts warehouse, dock analysis, design and implementation of material delivery routes from warehouse to point of assembly, and material presentation at the station. The project also consists of sourcing equipment required at the warehouse, for material delivery, and at the station for better material presentation.



The primary challenge of this project was to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while adhering to the defined constraints. The primary constraints were scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary, and more ambitious, challenge was to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet pre-defined objectives.



PMC utilized project management techniques to effectively manage the project including: Initiating Processes, Planning Processes, Executing Processes, Monitoring and Controlling Processes, and Closing Processes. A series of standard templates and reports were created and used to execute and monitor the performance of the tasks throughout the various stages of the project. Some of the tasks/ steps involved in managing the project effectively were:
• Documenting and providing minutes of project status meetings
• Providing and maintaining the Project Plan including coordination and interface with other major
contractors (material handling equipment manufacturers, parts kit box suppliers, etc.)
• Identifying, tracking, managing, and resolving project issues
• Coordinating and interfacing with suppliers and sub-contractors
• Tracking equipment and system design changes
• Working closely with safety, ergonomic, logistics, team leaders, and various other stakeholders
during the design phase and during various stages of the project



The warehouse relocation was successfully completed without interrupting the existing assembly line operation. The overall project was completed in time and within the budget. Effective project management contributed to customer quality, material integrity, asset management and overall compliance. The client was very satisfied in the way the entire project was managed and executed.

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